Friday, March 22, 2013

Party Number Two!

Jessie's kiddie party was held at a local place called Party Mania.  They decorated their own chef hats, made their own individual pizzas, got face painted, and danced up a storm.  They all had a great time!

Our little princess 

Making the pizza

Daddy's helping

Time to do the Hokey Pokey

Dancing up a storm

Jessie with the other princess

The second Hello Kitty cake

Blowing out the candles
The three of us - Happy Birthday Jessie!

Jessie's 4th birthday

Still playing catch up.  Phew!

I'm a big girl now!

with Daddy

Jessie and her cousin James with cousins, Luke and Justin

She loves Hello Kitty

Blowing out the candle

With Mom and Dad

Hello Kitty again...

and again...

With Mommy

November and December

Our beautiful Jessie

Christmas pic photo

Christmas Eve 2012

Christmas morning - now if she would only look into the camera!

Ripping it open

Daddy and Jessie

A new Barbie

A new Dora for the tub

Jessie made this in school for me.  I teared up when I opened it.

Me and my girl

One of her favorite presents - the Minnie cash register

The three of us

So, so, so behind...on posts...

I cannot believe it's been so long since I've last posted.  All I can say is life has certainly taken over and it's been a busy few months.  In September, Jessie continued in nursery school.  She's with the 3 year olds now (even though she's 4) because her birthday is January and she missed the cutoff.  She's doing really well and she loves school. We also had a whirlwind of  friend's birthday parties (Annie, Chloe, Renee).  Then came the Halloween that wasn't (due to superstorm Sandy) and the countdown to Christmas.  January was Jessie's birthday, so we had a family celebration in the house and a kiddie party at a local place, Party Mania.  February we had a snowstorm and the annual Lunar New Year party.  Here are pics from September and October:
Jessie's first time on a pony

At Annie's birthday party

First day of school 2012
Jessie with Mrs. Biegler and Mrs. Barnes

At the Dora the Explorer show with Dora and Boots

Finally, PIGTAILS!

Jessie and Daddy going down the big slide at Bounce U

At Renee's birthday party

Jessie in her 'good' witch costume - Halloween 2012

Jessie and her best friend, Annie, trick or treating